Ukrainian education is considered to be one of the best all around the world, given it’s long and rich history. Experienced professors and teachers, European standards of quality, large list of specialties make Ukrainian education very popular among students from all over the world. Ukrainian government pays big attention for education in Ukraine and a huge number of universities and academies exist for the purpose of educating the population. Nowadays, the level of educational opportunities of Ukraine allowed the country to take one of 10 leading positions in the field of international education, what is proved by the high interest of international students in receiving higher education in Ukraine. Ukrainian diplomas are recognized worldwide, as well as the level of teaching is highly appreciated by foreign employers, what gives you an opportunity to become a successful professional.

In 2005, Ukraine joined the Bologna Process which is a positive step towards integrating Ukrainian education into the European Higher Education Area


  • Bachelor. To get bachelor’s degree in Ukraine the complete general secondary education is required. The bachelor programme lasts 4 years. The Bachelor programme comprises basic higher education and professional training in a given field. It is an intermediate degree.Students must pass the state examination and after that they get a bachelor’s degree. It allows to get a good job due to their specialty or to continue studying and to apply for master’s degree.
  • Master. To get Master’s degree in Ukraine the Bachelor’s degree is required. The master programme lasts 1-2 years. The students pass the state certification, which contains a public presentation of the graduate work. To get Master’s degree students have to pass the state certification. Those, who pass it successfully, obtain the diploma and an opportunity to work within the profession or apply for post-graduate education.
  • PhD. A Doctor of Philosophy (or PhD) is a scientific degree, which can be obtained after completing the post-graduate course, which at the same time is the first scientific degree. Master’s degree gives the right to be admitted to the post-graduate department of the university. PhD programme in Ukraine includes comprehensive scientific research work, an educational component and the publication of articles in scientific magazines and collections of scientific researches. Submitting and publicly defending a thesis and passing the required examinations is the last step to obtain this degree.

The person who successfully completed the appropriate education (research) program and passed the certification gets the Diploma on higher education with the degree indication. An integral part of the Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degrees is the Attachment of the European standard.
During mastering these educational programmes students acquire not only theoretical knowledge, but also a lot of practical experience, skills, which are necessary for exact course and other competencies sufficient for generation of new ideas and solving complex tasks needed for professional or research activity.
Ukraine is one of the most educated nations in the world. Ukraine stands 4th among the most educated nations in the world. That is why Ukraine is one of the best countries for studying in the world.


  • High level of education
  • Entering universities is available without entrance exams
  • Cheaper study in comparison with other European countries
  • Recognition of the Ukrainian education all around the world (WHO, UNESCO, EUROPEAN COUNCIL, etc.)
  • Practicing Russian/Ukrainian with native speakers
  • Participation of Students in Seminars/Symposia/Project Work, in other European countries
  • Wide range of specialties and courses
  • NO ENTRANCE EXAM are needed
  • European life standard
  • Good job prospects, after graduating from Ukrainian university
  • Moderate climate around the year
  • Great emphasis on the practical application of knowledge
  • Safety is at high level. There is a low percent of crime
  • Colorful campus life in Ukrainian universities
  • Great opportunities to spend free time. For entertainment there are all things provided such as sport games in universities, gyms, cinemas, where films in English are provided etc


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